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Starfield Resources

Mineable Resources

Gathering Mining resources in Starfield requires the use of a cutter tool. You received a cutter at the very start of the game.

Harvestable Resources

Gathering Harvestable resources in Starfield is done by pressing the interaction key, which by default is
on PC and
on Xbox.
Ad - Aldumite
Ie - Indicite
Rc - Rothicite
TSN - Tasine
Vr - Veryl
Vy - Vytinium
Cs - Caesium
Dy - Dysprosium
Eu - Europium
IL - Ionic Liquids
Ne - Neon
Pu - Plutonium
Sb - Antimony
Stim - Stimulant
Xe - Xenon
Yb - Ytterbium
Au - Gold
Hg - Mercury
Nd - Neodymium
Pt - Platinum
R-COO - Carboxylic Acids
Ta - Tantalum
Ti - Titanium
V - Vanadium
xF4 - Tetrafluorides
Ag - Silver
Be - Beryllium
C6Hn - Benzene
Cos - Cosmetic
F - Fluorine
HnCn - Alkanes
Ir - Iridium
SiH3Cl - Chlorosilanes
Spi - Spice
W - Tungsten
AA - Amino Acids
Adh - Adhesive
Al - Aluminum
Anti - Antimicrobial
Ar - Argon
Cl - Chlorine
Co - Cobalt
Cu - Copper
Fe - Iron
Fib - Fiber
H20 - Water
He-3 - Helium-3
Hy - Hypercatalyst
Li - Lithium
MbA - Metabolic Agent
Mem - Membrane
Ni - Nickel
Nut - Nutrient
Pb - Lead
Pd - Palladium
Pig - Pigment
S - Sealant
Sol - Solvent
St - Structural
Tx - Toxin
U - Uranium
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